Why did I call my company, "Unfinished Business"? I get this question a lot, so here's an explanation.
Firstly, Unfinished Business began with my dreams of one day becoming a hauntrepreneur (someone who runs haunted houses professionally). I started dreaming up how I wanted my first, second, and third years in the haunt business to look: themes, specific scares, characters, costumes, and even budgets. I was determined to become a hauntrepreneur as quickly as I could and start making my mark on the haunted attraction industry.
I looked inside myself for inspiration
What was I scared of as a child? Well, everything, to be honest, but my top three fears were as follows: steep stairs, sharp objects near peoples' eyes, and computer viruses opening other worlds that let sinister people and beings into the real world. Oddly specific, right? Kids' nightmares are no joke.
So, I decided that year-one of my haunted attraction would be office/technology-themed, centered around my childhood fear of sentient computer viruses. It seems like a fairly unique idea and I still stand by it (maybe I shouldn't be giving away my trade secrets, but there's more specifics I doubt others will duplicate). I no longer plan to be a hauntrepreneur at a young age, but I do plan to create my tech-themed haunt one day.
While I was working on my local haunt one day, a name hit me: Unfinished Business. It's punny because my haunt will be business/office-themed, meanwhile ghosts tend to have unfinished business, so it's also spooky. I fell in love immediately and my logo quickly followed.

Since my dedication to haunted house plans has waned, I have moved on to smaller projects meant to slowly build to my haunted attraction ideas.
Unfinished Business has evolved in the short time it's existed; now it has a much deeper meaning.
Unfinished Business always comes back to haunt you. Everyone knows that. This is why Unfinished Business retains its name; as a company, UB will always come back with new projects, new products, and new adventures. The goal of this company is modest growth as I, Chris D, finish business school and gather the tools, capital, and experience to create one-of-a-kind haunted attractions that will make even the bravest hauntgoers scream.
It isn't a long story, but it is my story. Hopefully I get to share it with the masses one day, because Unfinished Business is headed in unforetold directions. Are you as excited as I am?
Either way, find UB at: